
Our Marketing Knowledge Center is here to help you understand the various concepts so you can master marketing and have a thriving business. 

Business Tips
Kaylin Campbell

Marketing Your New Business

How to Start Connecting Once you’ve established your business, it’s crucial to let your target audience know about it. Marketing isn’t just about selling; it’s

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Image of magnet attracting people shaped metal to illustrate a lead magnet
Jess Lewis

Why you need a lead magnet

Acquiring new customers is the most difficult, expensive part of running a business. So how do you get the attention of an interested lead? Enter

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Jess Lewis

5 Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Marketing mistakes are common for new entrepreneurs. Most often these mistakes are a product of lack of planning, impatience and starting with tactics before strategy.

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email marketing 101
Jess Lewis

Email Marketing 101

Email marketing is one of the best tools in your marketing toolbox.  It can help you acquire and retain customers and most importantly you have

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Master Your Sales Funnel
Jess Lewis

Master Your Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is essentially the ideal path you want potential buyers to take to become your customer. This tool allows you to track your

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whiteboard with the word audience
Jess Lewis

Mapping Your Customer’s Success

As a local business, the impact you have on your community matters. So in honor of National Nonprofit Day, we thought it was the perfect time to talk about why you should build a philanthropic element into your business, if you aren’t doing so already.

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Jess Lewis

Philanthropy is good business

As a local business, the impact you have on your community matters. So in honor of National Nonprofit Day, we thought it was the perfect time to talk about why you should build a philanthropic element into your business, if you aren’t doing so already.

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