A Guide to Finding Your Target Market

What is a Target Market? As a business owner, one of the most important things you need to do is identify your target market. Your target market is a group of customers with shared demographics whom the company identifies as the most likely to buy the company’s product or service. Once you know who your target market […]

Join the “Successful People” Club

The Power of Influence “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Dan Pena If you think about it, it makes sense. So, it would make sense that the people you surround yourself with can determine your future, and if you surround yourself with successful people, you, too, could become successful. Successful People […]

Operating Alone in the Business World

What is an Entrepreneur? Entrepreneur: a person attempting to make a profit by starting a company or operating alone in the business world, especially when it involves taking risks. Cambridge Dictionary Typical. We are defined as operating alone. Why is that? Could it be because we were strong enough to trailblaze our way through life? […]