Good Businesses Solve a Problem

Successful businesses have one major thing in common…they solve a problem! So before you go running to a lawyer to form an LLC, let’s figure out if you have the solution to a problem worth solving and how to turn it into a successful business. Complete a Business Model Canvas After noticing a problem in […]
Features vs Benefits: Know the Difference to Sell More

Should you be selling the features or benefits of your product or service? Well, as the old saying goes, “Features tell, benefits sell”. While the features of your product or service are important, benefits are typically what will compel your prospects to make a purchase. So today let’s dive into the why, when and how […]
Employee versus Entrepreneur Mindset: What you need to know

Employee versus entrepreneur mindset – knowing the difference will help you succeed as a business owner. If you’re in the beginning phases of exploring entrepreneurship, it’s vital you take time to get to know yourself a bit better and assess if entrepreneurship is the right path for you. And if you’re already a full blown […]
Resources You Need to Boost Your Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is an essential part of a solid marketing plan. But for social media marketing to truly be effective, it needs to be coupled with other tactics, like SEO. So as a business owner, it’s crucial you understand the various digital marketing approaches in order to create a strategy that gives you a […]
Why competition is a good thing

What if I told you having business competition is a good thing? It’s true! Why? Well, as the saying goes, “Cream always rises to the top ”. In business, having competition nudges you to simply be better. Yes competition can be scary, but it’s also something that you should value and leverage to boost your […]
Why you need to run an Efficient Business

Many entrepreneurs struggle with running an efficient business and tend to make their lives harder than they need to be. This is typically a result of trying to save money – hesitating to invest in software or people. Look I get it, cash flow is limited, profit margins might be thin and you’re barely paying […]
Why You Need to Deliver a World Class Customer Experience

Want to know the secret to business success? Giving a world class customer experience. While that probably seems obvious, many businesses drop the ball when it comes to customer experience and pay for it dearly. Spending time, energy and money to acquire a customer is only part of the equation, you must invest in strengthening […]
Why You Need a Business Diary

We humans are notorious for thinking we’ll remember things accurately when we actually completely suck at it. And as you know, when you’re running a business there’s a lot to remember – meetings, financials, tasks, ideas, etc. So today I wanted to share my strategy for remembering important business metrics, historical data, events and more. […]
How to Build a Sellable Business

Last week we talked about the importance of starting with the end in mind and why you need to have a business exit plan. Both will guide your business decisions throughout your entrepreneurial journey and ensure you stay on track with your long-term goals. Today, we’re addressing the exit plan of selling your business. Let’s […]
Business Exit Plan: Starting With The End in Mind

Starting a business is exciting and incredibly overwhelming. There are countless things to figure out, check off your list and put in place to turn your idea into a reality. But there is one thing new entrepreneurs often forget to consider thinking through in the midst of the excitement. The end of your business journey […]